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Haitian Zombies,

by Frank Dube


To make a zombie, a voodoo practitioner makes a potion that consists of mainly the poison of the puffer-fish (one of the strongest nerve poisons known to man, the clinical drug Norcuron has similar effects and is used during surgery) that is... given to the intended victim. This causes severe neurological damage, primarily effecting the left side of the brain (the left side of the brain controls speech, memory and motor skills). The victim suddenly becomes lethargic, then slowly seems to die. In reality, the victim's respiration and pulse becomes so slow that it is nearly impossible to detect. The victim retains full awareness as he is taken to the hospital, then perhaps to the morgue and finally as they are buried alive. Then, at the voodoo practitioner's leisure does he come to retrieve the victim, now become a slave, as a commodity (at one time it was said that most of the slaves who worked in the sugar cane plantations of Haiti were zombies. One case in 1918 had a voodoo priest named Ti Joseph who ran a gang of laborers for the American Sugar Corporation, who took the money they received and fed the workers only unsalted porridge). A zombie will remain in a robot-like state indefinitely, until he tastes either salt or meat(so much for The Night of the Living Dead²). Then the zombie becomes aware of their state, immediately returning to the grave. The reality behind the zombie has only been taken seriously by medical science within the last ten years, since the use of CAT scans of the brain, along with the confessions of voodoo priests, explaining their methods. Previous to that, zombies were considered mental defective by science or explained as stunts to try to confuse scientists.


Do Zombies have holidays.

.by Satan claws


 While Zombies do not have their own holidays per say, they do share holidays with other undead and untethered spirits. Just to name a few, in Mexico and other South American countries, Dia de los muertos is popular among the undead and spirits alike. The liveing offer up candy sculls to the dead. In the Philippines they call it Araw ng mga patay. In china they celebrate the Ching Ming festival. Now in Europe, All Saints day is huge with the undead. It's like Thanksgiving to them. The liveing go to graveyards and kneel at the graves without head wear. MMMmmm, now that's good brain. My friend had noted that Halloween isn't a zombie holiday. Some would contest this statement, I believe he is correct. Halloween AKA Hallows Eve or Samhain is pagan holiday. It marks the Celtic new year. fire and purification rituals are a big part of this holiday. Besides, no self respecting zombie would have anything to do with such a commercialized mockery of their general sub-culture. I hope this answers some questions and shows what a truly rich and fascinating culture the undead have and that's one to grow on.

Ghouls, a possible solution to the impending Zombie apocalypse

.by Apostrophe Glisson


what exactly is a Ghoul?

A Ghoul is a rare form of undead, once human. It is said that a human of profound evil upon their death bed would have their damned soul seized by a Gallu, a Mesopotamian demon. Providing the human's ill deeds ( often blood sacrifice and the consumption of human flesh) where performed in the name of Iblis, the Gallu would grant them half life or in other words make them undead.

In some ways Ghouls and non Haitian Zombies are similar. In others they couldn't be more different. while both desire human flesh to feed upon. A Ghoul is more inclined to seek out a corpse for sustenance. Ghouls, having originated from arid regions, would feed upon the living do too the inaccessibility of a good and juicy corps. The arid conditions tend to dehydrate and mummify a corpse, rather that decompose it. It is the foul rotting stench of dead human flesh that Ghouls just can't resist. In another example of differences, while a Zombie bite or scratch can be septic and in some cases transforming. The Ghouls saliva glands and nail bed secrete a neurotoxin which quickly immobilizes its victim, living or undead. The neurotoxin is similar to that found in some species of scorpions or spiders. In addition to being a neurotoxin, this substance has the ability to cause accelerated premature necrotic decomposition in the surrounding and infected areas. the effect is similar to the bite of the Brown recluse spider or a Monitor lizard. Also, Not unlike an alligator or crocodile, Ghouls proffer to let their kill ripen before consuming. Though like a zombie, a Ghouls brain is severely damaged by the transformation process, a Ghoul retains enough of what it was in life, to be very clever, agile and in some rare cases, communicate verbally.

Before anyone asks, no, ghoul bites will not turn you into a Ghoul. Becoming a Ghoul is an act of divine or demonic  intervention as noted above.

I should take this opportunity to note that when a ghoul is first created, they are referred to as Ghasts which are weak and easy to destroy by comparison. As an early defense mechanism the Ghast emits a nauseous gas that is toxic whether inhaled or absorbed through exposed skin. As a Ghast matures, it emits less and less toxic gas until is strong enough to defend itself. Other than this, a ghast is Distinguishable from a Ghoul.

Using Ghouls to combat Zombies is like a double edged sword. Though an interesting concept, it is unpractical for many reasons. For one Ghouls are completely self serving and would rather eat you than do your bidding. Another is their production. As of yet, science is unable to reproduce the conditions necessary to create a Ghoul. Even if man could come to terms with Iblis. The numbers need to create a fighting force against a Zombie army would be unacceptable. Living volunteers are required so in essence, we would be trading one problem for another. Such a plan would give Iblis dominion over man and that's probably a really bad idea. Did I forget to mention, Iblis is the Islamic version of Satan. So, ya, a really really bad idea!

Now you know and knowings half the battle.

If you are bitten by a Vector or V. class Zombie will you turn into a zombie

.by  A  fellow survivor.

I would like to note, it is illegal in this and most other countries to create or perpetuate zombies. With that said, There is a widely known misconception, that if you are bitten by a Solanum or an S. class zombie, you will become a zombie. This is really only a half truth. first of all, the active pathogen which causes one to turn into a zombie is a virus called Solanum. It is true that the virus is a vector born pathogen like Rabies (passed on threw bites) but it is also a blood born pathogen not unlike the aids virus. whether one becomes a zombie or not is dependent on the bitten hosts blood type. For example, lets say a man whose blood type is AB+, is bitten by a zombie. Because the host is AB+ his blood cells have special proteins and antigen markers. the virus attaches itself to the hosts blood cells and is undetected by the host immune systems. the virus then attacks and kills off the protein and antigens markers. In effect changing the hosts blood type to AB-. The hosts body will react in a negative way. Symptoms result in A fast high fever, decreased respiration, anaphylactic shock soon followed by death. End of story? Well, yes in this case.

Now lets say the same man is bitten by a zombie, only his blood type is AB- this time. Because he is AB- his blood cells lack the proteins and antigen markers, that would otherwise mark him as AB+. Just as before, the virus attaches itself to the hosts blood cells. Only this time, there are no proteins or antigen markers to attack. the virus positions itself in the locations normally maintained by proteins and antigens of an AB+ blood type, which at this time, is undetected by the hosts immune systems. the hosts body absorbs the infected blood which mutates and replicates in the hosts brain and other cell structures over a short period of time. Once the hosts body is sufficiently inundated with the virus. the virus then tricks the host body into believing it is proteins and antigen markers of an AB+ blood type. Since this is not the hosts blood type. The host goes into anaphylactic shock and quickly dies. The hosts brain, at this point has mutated into a new organ that no longer requires oxygen but rather necrotic gases produced by decaying flesh. Upon death the hosts eyes begin to go dull. This activity or lack there of, sends a signal along the optic nerve to the occipital lobe. The Occipital lobe in turn instructs the Medulla Oblongata to seek out fresh flesh  for Necrotic gas production and like a light switch, the mutated new brain reboots and the host's body enters a state of sue-do life. The infected host must then seek out fresh  flesh so as to continue the necrotic gas production which sustains the host brain. So in short, if you have a positive blood type. death is permanent. If you have a negative blood type. you get to come back as an S. class zombie.


West African and Haitian Zombies
By This guy.

I think its important to note Voodoo zombies are very different from viral zombies. In west Africa and Haiti, zombies are not typically created by a virus but rather a Voodoo priest or Bokor. The Bokor uses special powder which is comprised mainly of two ingredients. The first is Datara a dissociative drug and the second being Tetraodontidae (or TTX) a neuro-toxin commonly found in the Puffer fish. When mixed together and introduced into the blood stream the recipient lapses into a comma like state. respiration and heart rate are severely decreased to the point where the victim is perceived as dead. In some cases the victims body was reported as being ridged as if in a state of rigor mortise. The Bokor would also incorporate special ceremonies to capture the victims soul or zombie astral and trap it in a jar. this is believed to give the Bokor power over the victim and make the victim his slave. A bite from a vodou zombie will not turn you into a zombie, as stated above this is not a viral zombie and lacks the pathogen to infect others. though I would like to note that a bite from a voodoo zombie will most likely cause a serious staff infection which can be cleared up with strong antibiotics. Voodoo zombies don't crave human flesh or brains unless directed by the Bokor to do so. They also don't tend to last very long as they tend to dehydrate or starve to death. There is a great deal of contention as to weather or not voodoo zombies can be classified as undead or just a brain and neurologically damaged victim of a Bokor. In regards to slaying a voodoo zombies, the cheapest and least messy is the use of salt, which is said to sever the connection between the trapped soul in the Bokor's possession and the body, returning the body to the grave. this does not however free the victims soul. For that the container in which the soul resides must be located and opened or destroyed so the soul can escape. Do to the neurological and brain damage of the zombie making process, voodoo zombies do not feel pain. As a result they can withstand considerable abuse. dismemberment while messy, is highly effective. Drowning has also proven to be effective, though difficult,as the zombie will brake its own bones to free itself.