Fan-tastic story time is an experimental attempt to make the site more interactive. We will start the story and fans will continue it. Bare with us, most of our staff are illiterate and have troubles making a shopping list never mind the task of starting story that may never end. We are also very open to an ambitious fan to get the ball rolling. All submissions are required to be approved by the editor before applying to the story. Please let's keep the vulgar language down to a minimum, excessive foul language will result in the submission being mothballed and an E-mail to the submitter explaining the reason for refusal. should multiple submissions come in for the same chapter multiple branches will be created and a readers pole taken to determine the direction of the story. While we cant garenty every one will get their moment to shine, it is our goal though, to facilitate this. The Editor will apply all acceptable submissions with out altering other than to correct spelling. Again this is an experiment and as such is libel to evolve and change with time. Currently we have no start up date for the story as no one has take up the mantle here to start it. Again we would ask our fans to start us off. Don't leave it in the the hands of our incompetent editor.